Monday, December 26, 2011

Day Fourteen

“All healthy relationships reflect the true nature of the universe - mutually supportive, yet entirely co-independent of any energy transgression.”

One of these days I’ll actually post this during the daytime. Until then, I will continue to procrastinate with my postings until it’s almost time for bed.

Today’s reflection is one that I prefer to practice. Unfortunately, none of my relationships have been healthy for long. There is a noticeable difference, however. It is such an amazing thing to be in a mutually supportive relationship – to get back what you give out is rare for many of the people I know. The trick is finding someone who is willing to put as much effort and love into the relationship as you do. Doesn’t sound too hard, does it? Should be easy, but it isn’t. Of course, I also believe there is a reason for the unhealthy relationships. Much like days where everything seems to go wrong, bad relationships serve an important purpose in our lives.

If everything in my life was good all the time, I would take the good for granted. I have bad days; days when I feel worthless and pathetic, but those days help me appreciate how wonderful the good days really are. Relationships are the same. If there aren’t bad relationships in my life, how would I really know how good I have it when I am finally in a healthy relationship? When I was younger, I was presented an opportunity to be in a healthy relationship – a wonderful man presented his heart to me on a silver platter. In my stupid vanity, I believed I could do better; my life would be drastically different today if I had not let him pass out of my life.

Enough of regrets. It’s too late to change the past, and I would not be who I am today – I would not have made a difference in so many lives – if I had chosen different. I know now what unhealthy relationships can be like, and I look forward to the day when I am in a healthy relationship for the long haul. Even in a healthy relationship, there are bad days, but the number of wonderful days will be that much more special.

Blessed Be.

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