Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day Three

“The only reality that matters in the timelessness of being is the measure of pure love and compassion we confer upon the caring for other entities, without the attachment of the self-centered agenda.” 

                Today my patience was tried and tested as much as humanly possible. As a Thursday, it was Girl Scout night for my daughter’s troop, and I am a leader, which can be very stressful. As the girls were working on tonight’s craft, one of them sat down and told me that I seemed nicer than usual. I told her all about my 108 Days project. “That sounds like a good idea,” she told me. “I think everyone should try to be a better person, then the world would be happier.” It really is amazing how much we can learn from children.

                Today’s lesson struck a nerve with me. In recent years (and not-so-recent years, to be quite honest), I have not been doing much of anything unless for selfish reasons. I do very little community service, and I donate even less money to causes than I do time. After reflecting on today’s lesson, it is no wonder my life has seemed a little less than full. Every day I look around me and see suffering, as I’m sure we all do. Today, however, I realized that the time has come for me to help end that suffering.

                As much as I would like to, I know I cannot save the world by myself, but I can make a difference. Let’s face it, no one likes to see or hear about the suffering of others. No one wants to hear about hate and betrayal and all of the negative things that happen in our world every day. What we really want is to hear about people making a difference.

                If that is the kind of news I want to see on TV or read about in the papers, then I am going to have to stop being lazy about life. There is so much more to life than just living for me. By showing love and compassion to others, in whatever form it may take, life takes on true meaning. I have heard other people say things like this before, but being told that it’s what I should do and knowing it in my heart are two different things. Today I know in my heart that my life is supposed to be more than just for me, and that my selfish nature has been dragging me down for years. The time has come for that to change, and the change feels good, and the essence of my very being feels lighter for it.

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