Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Life In General

I finally figured out what I need in this life...or maybe it's what I want...or maybe it's both. I don't really know. Here's what I do know: I have spent my life trying to take care of others - the people I've worked with and for, friends, family, lovers. I've taken care of all of them. I have done everything I could to help those I care about have a good life (or a better life, at least). But now I find myself in an awkward position; there's really nothing I can do for anyone...not that they've told me, anyway. Everyone has someone else who is taking care of them, and I find myself needed less and less every day. And with no one needing my care, I can finally look after myself...finally do things that I want to do...but it's bittersweet, because there is no one who wants to hear about it. No one wants to hear about my successes and there is no one to turn to when I am upset about my failures.

So what is it that I need? I need someone to care.

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